Darius Hilton

Hello, my name is Creddle
Aren't all of you familiar with a fictional character by the name of Darius Hilton? ! Darius is a fictional character in the story I wrote about seven preeminence beings sent to Earth by God in order to spread Positivity, throughout Mankind. He is an important figure, and is considered one of the moat knowledgeable characters of all time.
But whp exactly is Darius Hilton?! When he was four years old his parents were sent go an interdimensional world, where they will never find a way out, the place is inhospitable for escaping. He was left abandoned in the streets of Neverland, until he was rescue by a man, with two horns sticking out of his head. He also had a tail with a arrow side at the end.
Eventually, Darius is finally in contact with new adoptive parents. His mother being a nude woman with a snake wrapped all over her body, and a father whose body is mutilated with seven mouths, with one of them if ever opened will be the ultimate end to Earth's existence.
And as for Daruis?!. Well, as I would state, Darius is the Devil's son